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Spark Kettering is an ambitious citywide strategic planning process that will develop a community informed Strategic Plan.

The Strategic Plan that will guide the city for the next 5-10 years. Since the 1960s and 1970s, the city has built its pride and assets. Today, Kettering is a place with many accomplishments—hard working government, excellent schools, stable businesses, and community spirit. Members of the community are proud to call Kettering their home. The Strategic Plan will build on those successes. It will be crafted through a collaborative approach that considers the input and ideas from public, residents, businesses and industry, service clubs, non-profit organizations, schools, City employees, and City elected officials. This effort will include extensive outreach efforts so that all community members including those who typically are not engaged in civic, or community dialogue, have the choice to participate.

Why Should I Participate?


Kettering was founded on a principle of progress.

Now is the time to continue this tradition. The City’s motto, “founded on progress”, is an important reminder as we begin a strategic planning process to move the city forward. The Strategic Plan will serve the government organization and community by providing guidance on city decisions and priorities. Your involvement is critical to this process as it will help ensure that the aspirations and priorities most important to our community are included. Now is the time to drive Kettering to be an even better place in the future.

This is a special moment.

In general, planning represents good stewardship. This strategic planning process allows us to work together as a community to create a framework which focuses decision-making that will ensure Kettering stays one of Ohio’s finest communities. While the City has developed many Strategic Plans over the years, this is the first time they are seeking robust community input as part of the process. This is a special moment in time, so get involved and be a part of the conversation about the future of our city.

We want to hear from you. 

Join your friends, family and fellow neighbors to help chart a path toward the continued growth and evolution of the city. We want to hear from everyone who cares about the future of our City.

Our community is well-positioned.

We are fortunate to be a premier, opportunity-rich Ohio community. This is our moment to work together and make choices, set priorities to achieve our vision, and realize transformational opportunities. This planning process will create a strategic plan that lays out a community-wide vision for the future. We need you to get involved and share your ideas for the future of our community. 

Who Is Involved?

Steering Committee

Process guidance.

Will meet regularly throughout the process. Will provide feedback on both process and substance/recommendations of the plan. Will serve as community advocates encouraging the public to get involved in the planning process.  


Input and Feedback.

Widespread public involvement is vital to the plan’s success. A number of in-person opportunities and online tools will offer a variety of ways for the community to give input throughout the process. 


Local knowledge and City organization input.

City staff will support, provide local knowledge, and expertise to each element of the plan.

Elected Officials

Review, monitor and adopt.

The final plan will be formally adopted by the City Council who will have a central role in its implementation. 


Process leadership, expertise.

The consultant team, planning NEXT, will work closely with the Staff and Steering Committee to facilitate the process and share expertise and experience from other successful communities nationwide.  For more information about planning NEXT, visit

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