The City of Kettering is undertaking a process to develop a Strategic Plan for the city. The planning process was named and branded as “Spark Kettering” inspired by Kettering’s namesake, Charles F. Kettering, in hopes that it will spark the community’s ideas and imagination for the future of the city just as he did.
The process officially kicked off in January of 2023, with a series of orientation meetings with staff, a citywide tour, and a Council work session. A resident-led Steering Committee was assembled through a community-wide application process. The 30-member committee will help guide the public process and plan recommendations. The group is representative of the city’s diverse interests and population. The group will meet periodically throughout the process to provide feedback and direct the new comprehensive plan.
Steering Committee Members:
- Laura Arber
- Joe Barton
- Susan Bodary
- Sharlet Briggs
- Eric Evans
- Brenda Gibson
- Rahul Guha
- Chuck Havener
- LaSue Juniel
- Tracy Landgren
- Bill Lauter
- James Kendall Lawson
- Brittney Logan
- Ryan Mantia
- Ellie McCall
- Katie Neubert
- Matt Peterson
- Betty Politt
- Donna Prendergast
- Ted Ramirez
- Silvia Jana Ramos-Ratliff
- Bethany Roush
- JT Rusch
- Matt Scarr
- Tynetta Schaffer
- Shawn Seippel
- Alma Sove
- Susan Sowerbrower
- Shane Sullivan
- Greg Williams